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Hosting Power offers a variety of accommodation choices, focusing on offering great comfort and privacy. You are guaranteed access to the kitchen to prepare and eat your meals and will have use of the washing machine to do your laundry.  

Here are the 3 accommodation types we offer:

1) Private Room with Shared Bathroom
When you book a room with Hosting Power, you'll have your own fully furnished private bedroom which has a comfortable single or double bed. You will share the other rooms with your host.

2) Private Room with Private Bathroom 
Additionally to your private room, you'll get your own private bathroom for your sole use. Ideal for someone who wants a little more privacy! You will share the other rooms, such as the kitchen, with your host.

3) Private Studio
Our Studios are completely self-contained, including a fully private bathroom and kitchen. No space to share with anyone!

It couldn't be easier to book your room or studio with Hosting Power. You can narrow down your search by using filters. We also provide a detailed description and an accurate location map for each listing to ensure that they are the best fit for your stay in Ireland!

To book your accommodation:

1. On, enter your city destination and select your check in and check out dates, then Click on "Find a Room".

2. You can also use the filters to narrow down your search. Click "Advanced Search" to see all available filters. Select the option of your choice and then click on Search.

3. Scroll through the listings and click on any of them to open them. To discover everything about the listing, read the detailed description to learn about the home, location and host.

4. If you’re ready, request to book the room by clicking "Book Now"!

If you want to narrow down your search when looking for your accommodation, you can use the search filters.

Available filters:

Location: Choose which side of the city you want to live in! 

Sort by Price: Choose "Low to High" or "High to Low" to sort out the listing according to the rent amount. 

Maximum Rent: Set up a maximum rent according to your budget.

Gender: Some hosts accept only female or male guests, indicate your gender to save time!

Transportation: Want to be close to the tram or train station? This is the option for you.

Bathroom: Looking for extra comfort? See only listings offering private or ensuite bathrooms! 

Keywords: Looking for something really specific? Type any keywords and scan the listings!

This is very easy! On the search bar, you can click on "Location" or "Filter Location" to choose the area of your choice ((ie: "South Dublin City" or "Dublin 6").

Otherwise, please click on "Advanced Search" and then on the "Keywords" section you can type any area (ie: "Blackrock").

Enter your city destination and the check-in and check-out dates, then click on "Search Rooms". All listings which appear are available for your stay! 

Unfortunately, it isn't possible to arrange viewings for every guest at each property. But don't worry, we have visited nearly 1800 rooms for you!

When a viewing has been carried out you will see it indicated on the listing.

If the property has not been physically visited, the host has been required to provide information and photos about their property.
In the very unlikely case that the property is significantly different than the listing; you will be offered a relocation to another property for free. 

Please note that it will be clearly indicated on each listing if the property has already been viewed, under the section "More Information". 

We have visited nearly 1800 rooms for you! It will be clearly indicated on each listing if the property has already been viewed, under the section "More Information".

If the property has not been physically visited, the host has been required to provide information and photos about their property.

You can book your room for any duration from a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 18 months.

We strongly recommend that you book for the full duration of your stay as an extension of stay isn't always possible.

The rents differ depending on the location and it will be clearly indicated on each listing. With Hosting Power, you don't have to worry about rent increases as it can't be increased for the full duration of your stay!

Note that the rent includes all bills. Bed linen will be also provided for you.

All our rents are indexed based on current market prices, ensuring you pay a fair rent!

We conduct regular market researches, recommend to our hosts on affordable rental prices, and, also, cap prices according to the market data (unlike our competitors!).

And don't forget, all your bills are included, and your rent is fixed, so it can't be increased during your stay.

Yes, all bills are included in all of our properties. Bed linen will be also provided for you.

By default, the method of payment for rent is in cash.

If you and the host both agree, it is possible to change the method of payment to a bank transfer.

We will also provide a payment schedule to ensure easy tracking of your past and future rental payments

Yes, we will. We understand how crucial this can be for some of our guests!

As soon as your booking is confirmed, we will send you an invoice that you can use as proof of address for essential administrative purposes, specifically for Visa requirements, opening a bank account in Ireland, and applying for the PPS number.

You will be sharing the property with your host(s), most of them being the landlords of the house.

Each host has a different background but they all have one thing in common: being committed to providing you with a warm welcome. A host description is provided on each listing, so please have a look for more individual information about each host!

Yes, we can reassure you that this is usually not a problem. We currently have many guests working or studying from home.

If you are willing to work or study from home, it's important to indicate that on your booking request so that your host will be aware of it before accepting your booking.

You can expect a comfortable and quiet environment.

Please note that some hosts might have young children, or pets living in the house. To find out more you can check the full description available on each listing.

Yes! All our rooms are private, but you can choose to rent a room and share it with your friend or partner. 

All you need to do is select the option for 2 guests and then proceed to your booking.  

Long story short: the same! The great news is that as per our policy we do not charge anything extra for a 2-guest booking, so the service fee will remain the same as it would for 1 guest! 

However, please note that the rent you will pay to your host will be automatically increased by €70 a week, to take into consideration the extra cost for your host of housing a second guest.

If you share your room with your friend or partner, the rent you will pay to your host will be automatically increased by €70 a week, to take into consideration the extra cost for your host of housing a second guest.

However, note that as Hosting Power does not charge anything extra for a 2-guest booking, the service fee will remain the same as it would for 1 guest!

It is easy to book a room with Hosting Power, it only takes a few steps:

1. On a listing, click on "Book Now"
2. Indicate your email address and click on "Next"
3. Fill in the application form, upload a copy of your passport or ID card
4. Agree to our terms and conditions and click "Submit" 
5. Enter your card details and click on "Complete Booking"

We will confirm your booking within one working day maximum, but most of the time it will take only a few hours.

If your request is accepted, you’ll be charged the service fee. If the host declines your request or doesn’t respond within one working day, you won't be charged and you can request another accommodation. 

Yes, due to security reasons, a copy of your ID is necessary to finalise the booking. We accept ID cards and Passports. 

The service fee is a once-off fee charged at the time of booking your room. It covers all the services provided to you by Hosting Power.

Here is an outline of some of the services we provide:

  • We carry out a rental market price check on every room to ensure that you are being charged rent at the right price.
  • We set and provide a set of house rules for you and your host designed to make your living arrangement more harmonious.
  • We provide ongoing assistance to you for the full duration of your stay, ensuring you peace of mind that both the terms and conditions and the house rules will be adhered to at all times. 
  • Should any issue arise in relation to your accommodation during your stay the service fee ensures you have our full support in resolving it.

Please keep in mind that the service fee is separate from the deposit and the rent; you will pay those directly to your host.

Also, the service fee is calculated according to the duration of stay in such a way that it does not penalise our long-stay guests, so the longer you book for, the more cost-efficient the service fee is. 
We advise booking for the entire duration of your stay in order to benefit from a much lower service fee, on average, for your stay.

The service fee is calculated according to the duration of stay in such a way that it does not penalise our long-stay guests, so the longer you book for, the more cost-efficient the service fee is. 

We advise booking for the entire duration of your stay in order to benefit from a much lower service fee, on average, for your stay.


Hosting Power will never charge you until your host accepts your request. 

Please note that depending on your bank, you may see a temporary authorisation appearing as a payment (instead of a pending charge) after a booking request is declined. Depending on your bank, the release of the authorisation may take up to a few days.

You can pay the service fee via your debit and credit card or via your PayPal account. 

It couldn't be more secure, as we use Stripe and Paypal as our payment providers. There are highly secure payment methods as your payment details are stored on their servers, not on ours.

It couldn't be more secure, as we use Stripe and Paypal as our payment providers. There are highly secure payment methods as your payment details are stored on their servers, not on ours.

Yes! You can cancel your payment authorisation before your booking is confirmed, via your account.

Please note the "Cancel Payment Authorisation" button becomes available on your account when all your booking requests have either been declined by the host or canceled by you.

Once you cancel your payment authorisation, you will be unable to request any new rooms or reactivate any past booking requests.

Therefore, if you wish to make a new booking request, you will need to authorise the payment of the service fee again.

Our hosts have one working day to accept or decline a booking request but most of our bookings are accepted within a few hours following the request.

If your request is accepted, you’ll be charged the service fee. If the host declines your request or doesn’t respond within one working day, you won't be charged and you can request other accommodation. 

Yes! Once you have completed your first booking application, you can easily request more rooms. And you don't even need to enter your payment details again!

All you need to do is apply for more rooms on or via the 'Select More Rooms' button on your guest account. 

As soon as the booking is confirmed by the host, you will receive the full contact details of your host, including their full name, full address, email address and phone number. So you can contact them immediately. 

If your booking request is declined, even though the room or studio is still available on the website, it might be because the host is specifically looking for booking requests for a different length of time, for example.

If the host declines your request, you won't be charged the service fee, and you can request another accommodation.

To increase your chance of having your booking request accepted as soon as possible, we advise providing as many details as possible about yourself, including hobbies, etc. We have noticed that guests who offer more information secure a booking more quickly.

Not at all! If your request is not accepted by the host you won't be charged the service fee.

Please note that, depending on your bank, you may see a temporary authorisation appearing as a payment (instead of a pending charge) after a booking request is declined. Depending on your bank, the release of the authorisation may take up to a few days.

Sure! If your original booking gets declined, you will be quickly informed within one working day maximum and will have the possibility to select another room. 

You can cancel any booking request in your Guest Account. If the booking hasn’t been accepted by the host yet, you won’t be charged the service fee. 

To cancel a booking request, log in to your Guest Account and click "Cancel" on each of the rooms you want to cancel. 

If you cancel before the host accepts the booking, no service fees will be charged.

However, after the host confirms, refunds are not applicable.

If you cancel your request before the host accepts the booking, no charge will be applied. 

If you cancel your booking after it has been confirmed, the service fee is non-refundable. 

Your host will offer you a warm welcome on your day of arrival and let you settle in the private room you have booked.

Your host will also show you the common areas, such as the kitchen, and explain how to use the appliances. They will also provide any relevant information, such as how the alarm works, etc.

From your side, you will be expected to pay your first weekly rent and the deposit during your check-in.

Sure! You will have access to the kitchen as well as all the necessary utensils to prepare your own meals.

You will have sufficient time to cook each of your meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and also have all-time access for preparing cold snacks, tea, etc.

You can check the terms and conditions for full details of rules for the common use of the kitchen for all occupants of the household.

Yes, when WiFi is available at the property, it will also be available for you to use free of charge.

Please note that not all our properties have WiFi/internet access available.
However, very affordable (from €12.99 a month) and high speed unlimited Mobile Data Plans are now available in Ireland. These mobile plans are suitable for anyone living in Ireland, even temporarily, as they can be cancelled at any time.

If it is still important for you to have WiFi available at the property, do not forget to indicate it clearly in your guest description, so your host is aware of it before accepting your booking request.

Yes, you will be allowed to use the washing machine up to twice a week so you can do your own laundry.

Using the washing machine is free of charge, and your host will show you where to dry your laundry.

Everybody needs privacy and this is why your allocated room is considered your own private room for the entire duration of your stay.

Accordingly, your host can only access your room for safety reasons, for example, making sure no appliances such as the radiator were left on, checking if your window has been properly closed, etc.

As it is your fully private room, you will be responsible for this and expected to keep your room clean and tidy at all times. 

The rent is paid on a weekly basis, upfront and directly to your host. This means that you will pay the first rent to your host on the day of your arrival, and then every week the same day thereafter.

Don't forget, by booking with Hosting Power you are guaranteed that the rent you pay is in line with the current market price or even below. Also, all bills are included in the rent! 

By default, the method to pay your rent is in cash.

If you and the host discuss the payment method and both agree, it is possible to change it to a bank transfer.

We will also provide a payment schedule to ensure easy tracking of your past and future rental payments

Yes, you will be requested to to provide a deposit equivalent to one week of rent on your day of arrival. It will be collected and refunded to you at the end of your stay, directly by your host.

For more detailed information, please review the Terms and Conditions related to deposits.

The deposit will be collected by your host on your day or arrival. It will be refunded to you at the end of your stay, directly by your host.

We will provide you with a Deposit Form to sign with your host so that you can keep track of it.

Yes, if you need to extend your stay, most of the time it will be possible.  However, we recommend that you book for the full duration of your stay in case the room is not available after your original booking terminates. 

A small admin fee of only €20 and a daily fee of €0.91 per extra day will apply to finalise your extension of stay.

Yes, of course! The room will be yours for the entire duration you have booked whether you are in Ireland or momentarily away on holidays.

Please note that it also means that the rent is due for the entire duration booked.

No worries, we understand that certain circumstances may be out of your control, and you might need to leave before your scheduled check-out date.

If you need to depart earlier than your booked check-out date, just provide your host with a minimum of 1 week's notice.

No penalties will be applied for early departure, and your deposit cannot be withheld by your host solely because of your early departure, as long as you provide them with at least 1 week's notice (refer to the deposit Terms and Conditions for further details).

Please note that your final paid rental week will not be pro-rated if you depart within 7 days of your last weekly payment.

No, it is important to know that for the comfort of all occupants, it is strictly not allowed for you to bring anyone at any time into the house.

Your deposit will be refunded on the day of your departure by your host.

However, there are specific circumstances under which the host may retain your deposit. These include instances where you have caused damage to the property or have missed past rental payments.

If you leave your accommodation before your scheduled check-out date without providing at least one week's notice, your host may also retain your deposit. However, this depends on the specific circumstances surrounding your early departure.

For more detailed information, please review the Terms and Conditions related to deposits.

It is very important for us that you enjoy your stay.

In the highly unlikely event that the property and welcome you receive is significantly different from what is described on the listing, you will be able to move to another property, free of charge.  

We love communicating! We reply to all our queries by email only as we find that this is the best and most efficient way to provide you with the most complete responses in the shortest period of time possible.

So, feel free to contact us by email at if you have any questions.

Most of the houses are, but not all of them! 

When WiFi is available at the property, it will also be available for you to use free of charge.

Please note that very affordable (from €12.99 a month) and high speed unlimited Mobile Data Plans are now available in Ireland. These mobile plans are suitable for anyone living in Ireland, even temporarily, as they can be cancelled at any time.  

If it is still important for you to have WiFi available at the property, do not forget to indicate it clearly in your guest description, so your host is aware of it before accepting your booking request.

No, all our rooms are let on a self-catering basis.

It means you will buy your own food and have access to the kitchen facilities and utensils to cook your meals.

Pretty much everything is included! The rent includes your own private room, use of the kitchen and washing machine, bills, and bed linen.

Definitely! All our rooms are available on a 7 days a week basis, so this includes weekends.

Some are, some aren't! If it is really important for you to have a desk, all you need to do is check the pictures and description on each listing and you will see it clearly mentioned if there is one. 

​Yes! You can do your own laundry. The property will be equipped with a washing machine that you will be allowed to use.

Also, a dedicated space and clotheshorse will be available for you to dry your clothes.

Yes, you won't need to buy any linen, as each room is fully equipped with bed sheets, bed linen, duvet and pillows.

As a good night's sleep is a vital part of anyone's life, we ensure that all our rooms are equipped with a comfortable single or double bed.

No, but we have visited nearly 1800 rooms for you! 

To see if the room has been visited, check on each listing under the section "More Information" where it will be clearly indicated.

Also, please note that if the property has not been physically visited, the host has been required to provide information and photos about the property. 
In the highly unlikely event that the property is significantly different from what is described on the listing, you will be able to move to another property, free of charge.  

Unfortunately, it isn't possible to arrange viewings for every guest at each property. But don't worry, we have visited nearly 1800 rooms for you!

When a viewing has been carried out you will see it indicated on the listing.

If the property has not been physically visited, the host has been required to provide information and photos about their property.
In the very unlikely case that the property is significantly different than the listing; you will be offered a relocation to another property for free. 

Please note that it will be clearly indicated on each listing if the property has already been viewed, under the section "More Information". 

Yes! All our rooms are private, but you can choose to rent a room and share it with your friend or partner. 
All you need to do is select the option for 2 guests and then proceed to your booking.    

The great news is that as per our policy we do not charge anything extra for a 2-guest booking, so the service fee will remain the same as it would for 1 guest!

However, please note that​ the rent you will pay to your host will be automatically increased by €70 a week, to take into consideration the extra cost for your host of housing a second guest.

Absolutely, as we understand how essential this document is for some of our guests.

An invoice will be attached to your booking confirmation that you can use as proof of address for essential administrative purposes, specifically for Visa requirements, opening a bank account in Ireland, and applying for the PPS number.

Some of them do! You can check the 'More Information' section on each listing. There, it will be indicated if and what kind of pet is living in the house.  

Please note that this information is for reference only, as the host might get a pet during your stay or have friends visiting with their pets.

If you suffer from allergies to dogs or cats, it is very important that you clearly indicate it in your self-description so the host is fully aware of it before accepting your request.

Yes, some hosts are happy to accept you with your pet!

However, please note that you need to clearly indicate your intention of bringing your pet with you in your booking request so that the host is fully aware of it before accepting your request.

The detailed description of the pet must include its size, behavior, and up-to-date vaccination details.

If you cancel before the host accepts the booking, no service fees will be charged.

However, after the host confirms, refunds are not applicable.

As you will have full access to the kitchen as well as all the necessary utensils to prepare your own breakfast, lunch and diner, all what you are expected to do is clean your dishes immediately after your meals and leave the kitchen clean, in the same state as you found it!

For the comfort of everyone in the household, cooking will be restricted to certain hours of the day; but you will have sufficient access to cook and eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Also, you will still have access to the kitchen outside of the cooking hours, to access the fridge or to prepare yourself a sandwich etc.    

The host can request that you participate in the cleaning of the common rooms, but only in a fair way, divided between all ​persons living in the house.

No, it is important to know that for the comfort of all occupants, it is strictly not allowed for you to bring anyone at any time into the house.

Yes, there is a low noise policy at night as we know how important sleep is!

You are also expected to not make noise from 10 pm to 7 am, as other people in the house might be trying to sleep.

Yes, as your room is guaranteed for your sole use for the full duration you have booked, the rent is due even if you are away on holidays, for Christmas for example. ​

No worries, we understand that certain situations may be beyond your control, and you might need to depart before the end of your reserved period.

If you need to leave earlier than your booked check-out date, simply provide your host with at least 1-week's notice.

No penalties will be imposed for early departure, and your deposit cannot be retained by your host solely due to your early departure, as long as you have given them at least 1 week's notice (see the deposit Terms and Conditions for more information).

Please note that your last paid rental week will not be pro-rated if you leave less than 7 days after your last weekly payment.

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to consume or store any alcohol on the property at any time during your stay. 

Also, all our properties are non-smoking, so smoking is strictly forbidden inside the property, and this includes your private room.